Ffmpeg cookbook

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Revision as of 23:45, 8 November 2023 by The-hoarding-wyrmling (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== HEAVILY WORK IN PROGRESS == ffmpeg is often noted for being a particularly obtrusive tool to memorize and use. However, broken down into a few fundemtal components, it can actually be quite easy and poweful tool to be quickly accessible from your toolbelt We will be building a command step-by-step which will conform to the following arbitrary "template" `ffmpeg -i [input] [audio-enc] [video-enc] [extra-optioms] [output]` Feel free to search around in this document...")
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ffmpeg is often noted for being a particularly obtrusive tool to memorize and use. However, broken down into a few fundemtal components, it can actually be quite easy and poweful tool to be quickly accessible from your toolbelt

We will be building a command step-by-step which will conform to the following arbitrary "template"

`ffmpeg -i [input] [audio-enc] [video-enc] [extra-optioms] [output]`

Feel free to search around in this document to find the things you're looking for


-c:a [encoder] sets your audio encoder and in turn codec

Common options are aac, libopus, libmp3lame, libflac

-b:a [bitrate]k


-c:v [encoder] sets your video encoder

Common options are libx264, libvpx

-b:v [bitrate]k used to set constant video bitrate

-crf [level] used to set variable video bitrate crf level

Additional Settings

-r [fps] set video framerate